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In the name of the Father, thy son, and the holy

spirit Everlasting Father you who knows all my needs and sorrow. Today I come before thee, and I beg you to allow the Holy Death, to be my protector and to grant me and help me in this need. ( same what you are petitioning or what you want here) Holy Death, I ask thee to be my guardian and sole protector. Holy Death, I ask thee to help me overcome all difficulties. So that nothing is impossible to me. No barriers or obstacles. Your sole protection from enemies, liars and traitors. With thy scythe form a shield of total protection. So that no one does me any harm, that everyone is my friend. Holy Death, I ask thee to help and bless me in all my dealing and things I do. So that I am successful and victorious in all I do in life. May my house be filled with all virtues of heaven. May my house be under your total protection from all crimes, harm and evil. Holy Death, I ask thee to grant me your blessing and gifts. Powerful Grand redeemerl as thee, if the favor, I ask of you is for your honor and glory; Grant to me your prompt reply, and a swift answer to my pray. I only ask this form my heart I ask in justice, and for you to grant me what I deserve. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that I have

failed you. However life son, I proclaim you as my God and lord, sure that your Charity will reach me until the end of my days. Holy God, my holy fort, holy Immortal, deliver me from all evil.


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